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Retrieves payout and revenue information of an affiliate for a given offer. Results are grouped and returned by where the payout and revenue values are set:
- Default payout and revenue
- Affiliate payout and revenue tier
- Affiliate-specific payout and revenue
- Cashflow group (also known as "Payout & Revenue group")
Name | Type | Description |
NetworkId | Url | Network ID |
NetworkToken | String | Network token |
Target | String | This call action target |
Method | String | This calls action method |
id | Integer | ID of the Offer object |
affiliate_id | Integer | ID of the Affiliate object |
goal_id | Integer | ID of the offer goal |
GET Response Notes
Returns an array of key-value pairs with each key is a payout or revenue factor and each value describes an application of payout and revenue values:
- "default": Default payout and revenue
- "tier": Affiliate payout and revenue tier
- "affiliate_payouts_and_revenues": Affiliate-specific payout and revenue
- "cashflow_groups": Cashflow group (also known as "Payout & Revenue group")
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