RingRevenue Model

An Invoca (formerly RingRevenue) transaction record. These are periodically synchronized from the Invoca system into the HasOffers system. For more information, log into your Invoca account and view the Transactions REST API documentation.

added_to_conversionsBooleanWhether or not the Invoca transaction has been recorded as a HasOffers conversion
advertiser_call_fee_localizedNullable DecimalAdvertiser Telecommunications fee associated with transaction
advertiser_campaign_idIntegerid of Invoca objectentifier of the campaign
advertiser_campaign_id_from_networkIntegerID of Campaign object from the network as set on the advertiser campaign
advertiser_idIntegerid of Invoca objectentifier of the advertiser
advertiser_id_from_networkIntegerID of Advertiser object from the network as set on the Invoca advertiser
advertiser_payin_localizedNullable DecimalAmount paid in by advertiser
affiliate_call_volume_rankingIntegerNetwork ranking of affiliate's call volume (0 to 5, and -1 being 'new'). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_commissions_rankingIntegerNetwork ranking of affiliate's commissions (0 to 5, and -1 being 'new'). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_conversion_rate_rankingIntegerNetwork ranking of affiliate's conversion rate (0 to 5, and -1 being 'new'). Blank if no affiliate.
affiliate_idIntegerid of Invoca objectentifier of the affiliate
affiliate_id_from_networkIntegerID of Affiliate object from the network as set on the Invoca affiliate
affiliate_payout_localizedNullable DecimalAmount paid out to the affiliate
call_fee_localizedNullable DecimalTelecommunications fee associated with transaction
call_result_description_detailStringStatus of the transaction
call_source_descriptionStringSource of the transaction
calling_phone_numberStringID of Caller object Formatted as 10 digits like "8665551234".
cityStringCity where transaction originated
connect_durationIntegerDuration in seconds that the call that was connected to the call center
corrected_atNullable Datetime[Correction only] Date and time the transaction was corrected, in user's time zone, followed by offset from GMT
corrects_transaction_idNullable StringID of [Correction only] object of the original transaction that this transaction updates. Values in this row are the corrected ones and should replace the original values. Same format as transaction_id.
durationIntegerDuration of the call in seconds. Includes any time spent in an IVR tree before transferring to the call center.
ivr_durationIntegerDuration in seconds that the call spent in the IVR tree
keypress_1Nullable StringName of the first key that was pressed
keypress_2Nullable StringName of the second key that was pressed
keypress_3Nullable StringName of the third key that was pressed
keypress_4Nullable StringName of the fourth key that was pressed
keypressesNullable StringList of unique keynames that were pressed during the call
margin_localizedNullable DecimalDifference between advertiser_payin_localized and affiliate_payout_localized
matching_advertiser_payin_policiesNullable StringList of advertiser policies that matched (base, bonus1, bonus2, etc.) to determine the advertiser payin, separated by +. For example, base+bonus1+bonus3. Note that if there was any advertiser payin, this field guaranteed to start with base.
matching_affiliate_payout_policiesNullable StringList of affiliate policies that matched (base, bonus1, bonus2, etc.) to determine the affiliate payout, separated by +. For example, base+bonus2. Note that if there was any affiliate payout, this field guaranteed to start with base.
media_typeStringMedia type of the transaction source
mobileString"Landline" or "Mobile" or empty string if type is unknown
opt_in_smsBooleanWhether the caller opted in to receive an SMS promotion
original_order_idString[Sales reporting only] ID of the original transaction that this row is in reference to. Same format as transaction_id.
recordingNullable StringURL to the call recording, if available
regionStringRegion (state, province or country) where transaction originated
start_after_transaction_idNullable StringThis is for internal purposes only. Ignore the contents of this field.
start_time_localDatetimeStart of the call in the API user's time zone, followed by offset from GMT
transaction_idStringid of Globally unique objectentifier for this transaction. 11-character string like "29810-95701". This is the Primary Key of the results.
transaction_typeStringThe type of transaction - Call, Sale or Web ConversionShow Supported Values
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