A report detailing stats (clicks, conversions, impressions) over time. For more information, you can read our product support documentation on the stats report and related preset reports.
Name | Type | Description |
AdCampaign.name | Nullable String | Name of the ad campaign This parameter is non-writable |
Advertiser.company | Nullable String | Name of the advertiser company This parameter is non-writable |
Advertiser.ref_id | Nullable String | Optional ID used to reference offers or campaigns in advertisers' third-party systems This parameter is non-writable |
AdvertiserManager.full_name | Nullable String | First and last names of the employee who is the account manager for the advertiser This parameter is non-writable |
AdvertiserTag.name | Nullable String | Custom tag applied to the advertiser This parameter is non-writable |
Affiliate.company | String | Name of the affiliate company This parameter is non-writable |
Affiliate.ref_id | Nullable String | Optional ID used to reference offers or campaigns in affiliates' third-party systems This parameter is non-writable |
AffiliateManager.full_name | Nullable String | First and last names of the employee who is the account manager for the affiliate This parameter is non-writable |
AffiliateTag.name | Nullable String | Custom tag applied to the affiliate This parameter is non-writable |
Category.id | Nullable Integer | ID of Offer Category object; note: Including this field can cause duplicate rows if an offer belongs to more than one category This parameter is non-writable |
Category.name | Nullable String | Name of the offer category; including this field can cause duplicate rows if an offer belongs to more than one category This parameter is non-writable |
Country.name | Nullable String | Name of the country where action occurred; determined by Stat.session_ip for conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Goal.name | String | Name of the goal. Returns the string "Default" for unnamed default goals. This parameter is non-writable |
Offer.display_advertiser | String | Whether or not the advertiser is visible to users who otherwise lack permission to view them in the application This parameter is non-writable |
Offer.name | String | Name of the offer This parameter is non-writable |
Offer.ref_id | Nullable String | ID of an optional object used to reference campaigns or offers in third party systems This parameter is non-writable |
OfferChannel.name | Nullable String | Channel tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferConversionType.name | Nullable String | Conversion Type tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferFile.display | String | Display name of the OfferFile This parameter is non-writable |
OfferIncentive.name | Nullable String | Incentive tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferMediaPlacement.name | Nullable String | Media Placement tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferOperatingSystem.name | Nullable String | Operating System tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferTag.name | Nullable String | Custom tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
OfferUrl.name | String | Name of the offer URL This parameter is non-writable |
OfferUrl.preview_url | String | Preview link for the offer URL This parameter is non-writable |
OfferVertical.name | Nullable String | Vertical tag applied to the offer This parameter is non-writable |
Region.name | String | Name of region where stats occurred; determined by Stat.session_ip for conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.ad_campaign_creative_id | Integer | Ad campaign creative ID This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.ad_campaign_id | Integer | ID of AdCampaign object This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.advertiser_id | Integer | ID of Advertiser object This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.advertiser_manager_id | Integer | ID of the employee who is the account manager for the advertiser. If none is set, defaults to "0". This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_count | Integer | Aggregate field counting the distinct number of Affiliate IDs This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_id | Integer | ID of Affiliate object This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_info1 | String | Affiliate sub 1 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_info2 | String | Affiliate sub 2 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_info3 | String | Affiliate sub 3 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_info4 | String | Affiliate sub 4 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_info5 | String | Affiliate sub 5 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.affiliate_manager_id | Integer | ID of the employee who is the account manager for the affiliate. If none is set, defaults to "0". This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.browser_id | Integer | This parameter has been deprecated. Deprecated. ID of the web browser. Defaults to "0" if the browser can't be identified.This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.city_name | String | Name of city where action occurred; determined by Stat.ip for conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.clicks | Integer | Aggregate field counting the number of clicks, including any marked as suspicious This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.conversions | Integer | Aggregate field counting the number of conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.count | Integer | Aggregate field counting the number of matching rows This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.country_code | String | Country code of the country where action occurred (aligned with ISO 3166-2); determined by Stat.session_ip for conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.cpa | Decimal | Cost (payout) per action (conversion); calculated as Stat.payout / Stat.conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.cpc | Decimal | Cost (payout) per click; calculated as Stat.payout / Stat.clicks This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.cpm | Decimal | Cost per thousand Impressions: (Stat.payout / (Stat.impressions / 1000)). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.creative_url_id | Integer | ID of the offer URL. If none is set, defaults to "0". This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.ctr | Decimal | Click-through rate, calculated as Stat.clicks / Stat.impressions; if the "track_uniques" preference is enabled, this is instead calculated as Stat.unique_clicks / Stat.impressions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.date | Date | Date of the event. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.device_brand | Nullable String | Brand of the device. Limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.device_model | Nullable String | Model of the device. Limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.device_os | Nullable String | OS of the device. Limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.device_os_version | Nullable String | OS Version of the device; limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.epc | Decimal | Earnings per click: ((Stat.revenue - Stat.payout) / Stat.clicks) This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.erpc | Decimal | Electronic rate per click, referring to the amount paid out to the affiliate per click This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.flagged_reason | String | Reason a click was marked as suspicious due to fraud (including rejected clicks). For clicks not marked as suspicious, this field has a value of "Not Flagged". Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included.Show Supported Values This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.goal_id | Integer | ID of Goal object If none is set, defaults to "0". This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.gross_clicks | Integer | Sum of gross clicks This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.gross_ctr | Decimal | Gross click-through rate, calculated as Stat.gross_clicks / Stat.impressions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.hour | Integer | Hour (0 to 23) of the event This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.impressions | Integer | Sum of impressions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.ltr | Decimal | Lead through rate, calculated as Stat.conversions / Stat.clicks; if the "track_uniques" preference is enabled, this is instead calculated as Stat.conversions / Stat.unique_clicks This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.mobile_carrier | Nullable String | Carrier of the device; limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.month | Integer | Month (1 to 12) of the event This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.offer_count | Integer | Aggregate field counting the distinct number of offer IDs This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.offer_file_id | Integer | ID of OfferFile object; defaults to "0" if none is set This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.offer_id | Integer | ID of Offer object This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.offer_url_id | Integer | ID of offer URL object; defaults to "0" if none is set This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.payout | Decimal | Affiliate payout amount This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.payout_type | String | Offer (or Goal, if applicable) payout typeShow Supported Values This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.profit | Decimal | Amount of profit (Stat.revenue - Stat.payout). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.region_code | Nullable String | Region code of region where action occurred; determined by Stat.session_ip for conversions This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.rejected_click_rate | Decimal | Fraction of incoming clicks marked as rejected due to fraud; calculated as Stat.rejected_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.rejected_clicks | Integer | Aggregate field counting the number of clicks rejected from fraud. Rejected clicks are not redirected to the offer URL and are included in all click-based calculations like conversion rate. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.revenue | Decimal | Amount of revenue generated This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.revenue_type | String | Offer (or Goal, if applicable) revenue typeShow Supported Values This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.rpa | Decimal | Revenue per Acquisition, Revenue per Conversion: (Stat.revenue / Stat.conversions). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.rpc | Decimal | Revenue per Click: (Stat.revenue / Stat.clicks); note: If the "track_uniques" Preference is enabled, this is (Stat.revenue / Stat.unique_clicks). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.rpm | Decimal | Revenue per thousand Impressions: (Stat.revenue / (Stat.impressions / 1000)). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.sale_amount | Decimal | The sale amount This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.source | String | Affiliate source passed in by the affiliate when the session was started. Empty string if none. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.suspicious_click_rate | Decimal | Fraction of incoming clicks marked as suspicious due to fraud (including rejected clicks); calculated as Stat.suspicious_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.suspicious_clicks | Integer | Aggregate field counting the number of clicks marked as suspicious due to fraud (including rejected clicks). Non-rejected suspicious clicks are treated as normal clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.unique_click_rate | Decimal | Fraction of incoming clicks identified as unique; calculated as Stat.unique_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.unique_clicks | Integer | Sum of unique clicks This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.unique_ctr | Decimal | Unique Click through Rate: (Stat.unique_clicks / Stat.impressions). This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.week | Integer | Week in which the event took place. Range is 1 to 53, where week 1 is the first week with four (4) or more days. Weeks begin on Monday. This parameter is non-writable |
Stat.year | Integer | Year (YYYY) the event took place This parameter is non-writable |