OptimizerEventLog Model

Optimizer event log object. Represents one action taken by HasOffers automation tools.

affiliate_idIntegerID of the affiliate account associated with the event
This parameter is non-writable
dry_runBooleanWhether an optimizer action was taken or not. If dry_run is 1, then this log entry was created but no action was taken.
This parameter is non-writable
eventStringAutomation event identifier.Show Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
event_actionStringAction portion of the event. Example: "source_high_cr_block" results in "block"Show Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
event_datetime_utcDatetimeDatetime the event occurred in UTC (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Example: 1995-05-23 16:55:31
This parameter is non-writable
event_domainStringDomain portion of the event. Example: event "source_high_cr_block" results in "source_high_cr"Show Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
idIntegerUnique ID of the log entry
This parameter is non-writable
offer_idIntegerID of the offer associated with the event
This parameter is non-writable
rule_idNullable IntegerID of the rule that triggered this event
This parameter is non-writable
source_idStringID of affiliate source
This parameter is non-writable
source_typeNullable StringConversion field used to identify the affiliate sourceShow Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
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