AffiliateTierPayout Model

Defines a payout specific to an Offer or Goal, for an Affiliate Tier.

affiliate_tier_idIntegerThe ID of the AffiliateTier that this Payout is for. Affiliates in the referenced Tier will receive this payout.
goal_idNullable IntegerThe Goal this payout is for, if it should apply to a Goal instead of the Offer
idIntegerID of unique, auto-generated object for this Affiliate Tier Payout
This parameter is non-writable
modifiedDatetimeThe last time this Affiliate Tier Payout was modified
offer_idIntegerThe Offer this payout amount is defined for. If a "goal_id" is provided, the "offer_id" is not required as it will be looked up and stored automatically.
payoutDecimalThe flat rate/amount paid out. This is applicable depending on the "payout_type" of the Offer (or Goal).
percent_payoutDecimalThe percent paid out. This is applicable depending on the "payout_type" of the Offer (or Goal).
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