OfferFile Model

A file/creative associated with an Offer. For more information, seeĀ

account_idNullable IntegerID of Affiliate object for Offer Files having an "interface" of "affiliate"; Advertiser ID for if "interface" is "advertiser"; NULL for Network-owned Offer Files
codeNullable StringHTML code. Required for Offer Files with the types: "email creative", "text ad", and "html ad".
createdDatetimeThe date the Offer File was created
displayStringThe display name for this file. Takes the name of the uploaded file if not set on create.
expiration_dateNullable DatetimeThe expiration date of the Offer File in UTC.
filenameStringThe name of the file that was uploaded, optionally passed in. Applicable to Offer Files with the types: "file", "image banner", "flash banner", "offer thumbnail", "hidden". Will be an empty string for types not accompanied by a file. Only the following file extensions are supported: "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "swf", "zip", "txt", "doc", "docx", "pdf", "rtf".
flash_varsNullable StringApplicable only for Offer Files with "type" of "flash banner"
heightNullable IntegerHeight in pixels. Required for Offer Files with the types: "image banner", "flash banner", "offer thumbnail", and "html ad". Determined automatically for most image files, but if "type" is "flash banner" it must be explicitly provided.
idIntegerID of unique object for this Offer File
This parameter is non-writable
interfaceStringIdentifies the owner of this Offer File. The Network, Advertisers, and the Affiliate can all create Offer Files.Show Supported Values
is_privateBooleanWhether this Offer File should be visible to Affiliates. Applicable only when "interface" is set to "network".
modifiedDatetimeThe last date the Offer File was updated
offer_idIntegerThe ID of the Offer to which this Offer File is associated
sizeIntegerThe size of the uploaded file in bytes, recorded at the time of upload. For OfferFile objects not referencing an uploaded file, this value is 0.
statusStringThe status of the Offer FileShow Supported Values
thumbnailNullable StringThe URL of a thumbnail image. Thumbnails are auto-generated on upload for most Offer Files of type "image banner" or where the uploaded file is one of: "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png".
typeStringThe type of Offer File. For more information on each type, see: Supported Values
urlNullable StringThe URL for the uploaded XML file
Important: Uses only for XML creatives
widthNullable IntegerWidth in pixels. Required for offer files with the types "image banner", "flash banner", "offer thumbnail", and "html ad". Determined automatically for most image files, but if "type" is "flash banner" it must be explicitly provided.
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