WebhookEndpoint Model

A webhook endpoint.

advertiser_owner_idNullable IntegerID of the Advertiser entity that owns this Endpoint. Only set if the Owner is an Advertiser.
affiliate_owner_idNullable IntegerID of the Affiliate entity that owns this Endpoint. Only set if the Owner is an Affiliate.
enabledNullable BooleanWhether this Endpoint is currently configured to receive notifications. Default enabled.
idIntegerID of Unique primary object of this Webhook Endpoint record
This parameter is non-writable
nicknameStringHuman-readable name for this Endpoint; will be displayed in the UI
owner_classStringThe type of entity that owns this EndpointShow Supported Values
owner_sha1StringSHA1 hash of the combination of all the Owner fields
urlStringFull URL of this Webhook. May include URL parameters.
url_sha1StringSHA1 hash of the url
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