InsertionOrder Model

An insertion order is a written authorization to advertise a product or service, similar to a purchase order. For more information, see:

advertiser_idIntegerThe ID of the Advertiser this Insertion Order is for
end_datetime_utcDatetimeThe date the insertion order end. This field is optional; leave it blank if you want to report in an ongoing, indefinite insertion order.
external_io_idNullable Stringid of The objectentification number or code you and your advertiser use, such as the advertiser's insertion order number. These must be unique; you can't use the same external ID for another insertion order, even if it's for another advertiser.
idIntegerID of unique, auto-generated object for the Insertion Order
This parameter is non-writable
nameStringThe name of the Insertion Order
notesNullable StringInclude any information relevant to the insertion order here, such as total budget
statusStringThe status of the Insertion OrderShow Supported Values
start_datetime_utcDatetimeThe date the insertion order begins
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