CashflowGroup::replaceGoalPayoutGroupsForGoal Method

Sets all the goal payout groups for an goal, purging any previous groups that were set for the goal, updating
any existing ones which are passed with an id, and creating new ones that lack an id.

NetworkId UrlNetwork ID
NetworkToken StringNetwork token
Target StringThis calls action target
Method StringThis calls action method
goal_id IntegerID of Goal object whose payout groups are being set
goal_payout_groups_json StringA JSON-encoded array of goal payout groups

Examples of JSON Values

Adding two CPA payout groups

goal_payout_groups_json: [{"cashflow_group_id":"51","rate":"25.00"},{"cashflow_group_id":"59","rate":"10.00"}]

Adding two CPS payout groups

goal_payout_groups_json: [{"cashflow_group_id":"51","percent":"25.00"},{"cashflow_group_id":"59","percent":"10.00"}]

GET Response Notes

Return response will be in the following format: void.

API Call Builder

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