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Create, manipulate, and retrieve affiliates and affiliate-related information.
Associates new text note with an affiliate
Adjusts affiliate clicks
Blocks an affiliate
Creates an affiliate
Creates a signup approval question for affiliates
Creates entry for an affiliate's answer to a signup question
Disables an affiliate fraud alert
Enables an affiliate fraud alert
Returns one or more affiliates, optionally filtered and sorted
Returns affiliates by their IDs
Returns affiliate fraud alerts
Returns IDs of affiliates
Returns IDs of affiliates associated to an account manager
Retrieve all affiliates that are excluded from automation
Returns IDs of affiliates with a pending status that are associated to an account manager
Returns affiliates with a pending status that are associated to an account manager
Returns an affiliate by its ID
Returns list of affiliates matching filter
Returns employee user associated to a specified affiliate as its account manager
Returns account notes associated to an affiliate
Retrieves the affiliate tier that an affiliate belongs to
Returns a list of all offer IDs that a specific affiliate is allowed to run
Returns a list of offer IDs for which the specified affiliate account has been blocked at the offer-level or by the
Returns a list of the reasons why an affiliate was blocked
Returns affiliate user who created a specified affiliate
Returns any offer conversion caps for an affiliate
Returns a list of affiliateoffers for an affiliate, accompanied by the hostname for each
Returns any offer payouts defined for a specific affiliate
Returns all affiliate-specific offer payouts
Returns offer pixels for an affiliate
Returns the first ID affiliate user (as the network's core advertiser user)
Retrieves the payment methods defined for an affiliate
Returns a list of all affiliate IDs whose accounts were referred by a specific affiliate
Returns the affiliate referral commissions earned for an affiliate
Returns the ID of the affiliate who referred a specific affiliate
Returns an affiliate's answers to signup questions
Returns affiliate signup questions
Returns a list of offer IDs that either are private or require manual approval, for which the specified affiliate
Returns a list of all offer IDs for which the specified affiliate has not been blocked at the offer-level
Deletes a custom affiliate referral commission rate/amount setting for an affiliate
Sets the custom affiliate referral commission amounts/rates for an affiliate
Processes affiliate signup data
Returns paginated search against the affiliates table directly with no contains, virtual properties
Updates specified properties of an affiliate
Modifies a text note associated with an affiliate
Updates specified properties of an affiliate based on {reference/referral} ID
Updates single property of an affiliate
Updates check payment method for an affiliate
Updates direct deposit payment method for an affiliate
Updates other payment method for an affiliate
Updates Payoneer payment method for an affiliate
Updates Payoneer payment method for an affiliate
Updates PayPal payment method for an affiliate
Updates wire payment method for an affiliate
Modifies an existing affiliate signup question
Modifies an existing answer from an affiliate to a signup question