ConversionReport Model

A report detailing conversions. Time frame for response data is limited to the last 25 months (762 days).

Deprecation notice: We are deprecating the conversion 'id' field (also called,, conversion_id  in some contexts)  and migrating to tune_event_id. Use the new tune_event_id in all places where you would have used the conversion id, unless otherwise specified.

Advertiser.companyNullable StringName of the advertiser company
This parameter is non-writable
Advertiser.ref_idNullable StringOptional ID used to reference offers or campaigns in advertisers' third-party systems
This parameter is non-writable
AdvertiserManager.full_nameNullable StringFirst and last names of the employee who is the account manager for the advertiser
This parameter is non-writable
Affiliate.companyStringName of the affiliate company
This parameter is non-writable
Affiliate.ref_idNullable StringOptional ID used to reference offers or campaigns in affiliates' third-party systems
This parameter is non-writable
AffiliateManager.full_nameNullable StringFirst and last names of the employee who is the account manager for the affiliate
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionMeta.noteNullable StringA note, visible to the Affiliate
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ConversionsMobile.adv_sub2Nullable StringAdvertiser sub ID 2 specified in the conversion link
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub3Nullable StringAdvertiser sub ID 3 specified in the conversion link
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub4Nullable StringAdvertiser sub ID 4 specified in the conversion link
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub5Nullable StringAdvertiser sub ID 5 specified in the conversion link
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_click_idStringUnique click ID used to reference an individual click or session passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique1StringUnique value 1 passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique2StringUnique value 2 passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique3StringUnique value 3 passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique4StringUnique value 4 passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique5StringUnique value 5 passed in by the Affiliate when the session started
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.android_idNullable StringID of (Mobile) Android object. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.android_id_md5Nullable StringID of (Mobile) Android object MD5. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.android_id_sha1Nullable StringID of (Mobile) Android object SHA1. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_brandNullable String(Mobile) Device brand
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_idNullable StringID of (Mobile) Device object. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_id_md5Nullable StringID of (Mobile) Device object MD5. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_id_sha1Nullable StringID of (Mobile) Device object SHA1. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_modelNullable String(Mobile) Device model
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.device_osNullable String(Mobile) Device operating system
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ConversionsMobile.device_os_versionNullable String(Mobile) Device operating system version
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.fraud_reason_dataNullable StringApplied fraud reason code with its corresponding ID.
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.google_aidNullable String(Mobile) Google AID; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.google_aid_md5Nullable String(Mobile) Google AID MD5; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.google_aid_sha1Nullable String(Mobile) Google AID SHA1; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.ios_ifaNullable String(Mobile) iOS IFA; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.ios_ifa_md5Nullable String(Mobile) iOS IFA MD5; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.ios_ifa_sha1Nullable String(Mobile) iOS IFA SHA1; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.ios_ifvNullable String(Mobile) iOS IFV; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.mac_addressNullable String(Mobile) MAC Address; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.mac_address_md5Nullable String(Mobile) MAC Address MD5; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.mac_address_sha1Nullable String(Mobile) MAC Address SHA1; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.mobile_carrierNullable String(Mobile) Carrier
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.odinNullable String(Mobile) ODIN; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.unknown_idNullable StringID of (Mobile) Unknown object; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.user_idNullable StringID of (Mobile) User object; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.windows_aidNullable String(Mobile) Windows AID; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.windows_aid_md5Nullable String(Mobile) Windows AID MD5; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
ConversionsMobile.windows_aid_sha1Nullable String(Mobile) Windows AID SHA1; limits response data to last 120 days if included
This parameter is non-writable
Country.nameNullable StringName of the country
This parameter is non-writable
Customer.provided_idNullable StringID of a reference object for the customer
This parameter is non-writable
Goal.nameStringName of the goal; returns the string "Default" for unnamed default goals
This parameter is non-writable
Offer.nameStringName of the offer
This parameter is non-writable
Offer.ref_idNullable StringID of an optional object used to reference campaigns or offers in 3rd party systems
This parameter is non-writable
OfferUrl.nameNullable StringName of the offer URL
This parameter is non-writable
OfferUrl.preview_urlNullable StringPreview link for the offer URL
This parameter is non-writable
PayoutGroup.idNullable IntegerID of the Payout Group for this conversion. For more information, see our help article on Payout & Revenue Groups.
This parameter is non-writable
PayoutGroup.nameNullable StringName of the Payout Group for this conversion. For more information, see our help article on Payout & Revenue Groups.
This parameter is non-writable
Region.nameNullable StringName of region detected by the device when the conversion occurred; determined by Stat.session_ip. Note: Conversions with different Stat.ip and Stat.session_ip values may have mismatching Region and City values.
This parameter is non-writable
RevenueGroup.idNullable IntegerID of the Revenue Group for this conversion. For more information, see our help article on Payout & Revenue Groups.
This parameter is non-writable
RevenueGroup.nameNullable StringName of the Revenue Group for this conversion. For more information, see our help article on Payout & Revenue Groups.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.ad_idStringID of Transaction object created by the ad server
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.advertiser_idIntegerID of Advertiser object; defaults to "0" if no Advertiser is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.advertiser_infoNullable StringAdvertiser sub passed by advertiser on conversion
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.advertiser_manager_idIntegerID of the employee who is the account manager for the advertiser; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_idIntegerID of Affiliate object
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_info1Nullable StringAffiliate sub 1 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_info2Nullable StringAffiliate sub 2 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_info3Nullable StringAffiliate sub 3 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_info4Nullable StringAffiliate sub 4 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_info5Nullable StringAffiliate sub 5 passed in by the affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_manager_idIntegerID of the Employee who is the account manager for the Affiliate; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.approved_payoutDecimalAmount of payout for approved conversions. If a single conversion, this is the same as "Stat.payout", but if aggregating this is the sum of the payouts of the approved Conversions.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.approved_rateDecimalIf aggregating, this is the proportion of grouped conversions whose status is "approved"
This parameter is non-writable
This parameter has been deprecated.
Deprecated. ID of the web browser. Defaults to "0" if the browser can't be identified.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.city_nameStringName of city where conversion occurred; determined by Stat.ip. Note: Conversions with different Stat.ip and Stat.session_ip values may have mismatching Region and City values.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.countIntegerAggregate counting function that returns the total number of conversions represented by the row
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.count_adjustmentIntegerAggregate counting function that returns the number of conversions which are adjustments in the row
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.count_approvedIntegerAggregate counting function that returns the number of conversions whose status is "approved" in the row
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.count_pendingIntegerAggregate counting function that returns the number of conversions whose status is "pending" in the row
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.count_rejectedIntegerAn aggregate counting function that returns the number of Conversions whose status is "rejected" in the row
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.country_codeStringThe country code
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.creative_url_idIntegerID of the offer URL; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.currencyNullable StringCurrency (3-letter code); available when Multiple Currencies is set to "Enabled".
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.customer_idIntegerID of customer object; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.dateDateDate the conversion was generated
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.datetimeDatetimeDate (with time) the conversion was generated
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.datetime_diffStringDifference between when the session was started and when the Conversion was generated
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.goal_idIntegerID of Goal object; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.hourIntegerHour part (0 to 23) from "Stat.datetime".
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.idIntegerDeprecated. See Stat.tune_event_id. ID of unique object for the conversion.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.ipNullable StringIP address that created the conversion. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.is_adjustmentBooleanFlag to mark if the conversion was created as an adjustment. For more information, see our help article on Adjusting Stats.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.modified_datetimeDateDate (with time) the conversion was modified
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.monthIntegerMonth part (1 to 12) from "Stat.datetime".
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.net_payoutDecimalPayout amount for approved conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of approved conversion payouts in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.net_revenueDecimalRevenue amount for approved conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of approved conversion revenues in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.net_sale_amountDecimalSale amount for approved conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of approved conversion sale amounts in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.offer_idIntegerID of Offer object
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.offer_url_idIntegerID of offer URL object; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.payoutDecimalAffiliate payout for this conversion
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.payout_typeStringOffer (or Goal, if applicable) payout typeShow Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.pending_payoutDecimalPayout amount for pending conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of pending conversion payouts in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.pending_revenueDecimalRevenue amount for pending conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of pending conversion revenues in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.pending_sale_amountDecimalSale amount for pending conversions. If used with group-bys this is the sum of pending conversion sale amounts in the row.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.pixel_referNullable StringReferral URL for the conversion pixel
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.referNullable StringReferral URL where session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.region_codeStringRegion code detected by the device when the conversion occurred; determined by Stat.session_ip. Note: Conversions with different Stat.ip and Stat.session_ip values may have mismatching Region and City values.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.rejected_rateDecimalIf aggregating, this is the proportion of grouped conversions whose status is "rejected"
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.revenueDecimalAmount of revenue generated by this Conversion
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.revenue_typeStringOffer (or Goal, if applicable) revenue typeShow Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.sale_amountDecimalThe sale amount
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.session_dateDateDate part (YYYY-MM-DD) of the "Stat.session_datetime".
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.session_datetimeDatetimeDate and time that the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.session_ipStringIP address used to start the session. Limits response data to last 120 days if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.sourceStringAffiliate source passed in by the Affiliate when the session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.statusStringStatus of the ConversionShow Supported Values
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.status_codeIntegerCode providing granular status details. See: Conversion Status Codes
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.tune_event_id StringID of unique, auto-generated object for this Conversion. Replaces '', which is being deprecated.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.user_agentNullable StringUser agent for user when session was started
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.weekIntegerWeek in which "Stat.datetime" took place. Range is 1 to 53, where week 1 is the first week with four (4) or more days. Weeks begin on Monday.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.yearIntegerYear part (YYYY) from "Stat.datetime".
This parameter is non-writable
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