AffiliateCommissionReport Model

A report detailing the commissions earned through affiliate referrals. For more information, see ourĀ support documentation on the Affiliate Commission Report.

Affiliate.account_manager_idIntegerID of the network employee who is the account manager for the affiliate that earned this commission. If no account manager exists, defaults to the value "0".
This parameter is non-writable
Affiliate.companyStringThe company name of the affiliate who earned ths commission
AffiliateManager.full_nameNullable StringThe name (first and last) of the employee who is the account manager for the affiliate that earned this commission
ReferredAffiliate.companyStringThe company name of the referred affiliate
Stat.affiliate_idIntegerID of referred Affiliate object
Stat.affiliate_manager_idIntegerThe ID of the employee who is the account manager for the affiliate that earned this commission. If no account manager exists, defaults to the value "0".
Stat.amountDecimalThe amount of the commission
Stat.dateDateThe date the commission was earned
Stat.rateDecimalHolds the commission rate. When "Stat.rate_type" is "flat" this is the flat commission amount. When "Stat.rate_type" is "percentage" this is the percent amount (e.g. 12.00 is 12%) of the commission.
Stat.rate_typeStringThe calculation method used to determine the commission (flat rate or percentage)Show Supported Values
Stat.referral_idIntegerThe ID of the affiliate who earned the commission
Stat.var_totalDecimalHolds the rate multiplier used to calculate the "Stat.amount". For percentage-based commissions this is the total payout, revenue, or profit that the commission is based on. For flat-based commissions this is either 1.00 (referred affiliate is currently active) or 0.00 (referred affiliate is not active).
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