StatReport Model

A report containing stats for an affiliate.

AdCampaign.nameNullable StringThe Ad Campaign name
Browser.display_nameNullable StringThe name of the Browser
Browser.idIntegerThe ID of the Browser. If a Browser was not identified, defaults to "0".
Category.idNullable IntegerID of OfferCategory object
Category.nameNullable StringThe Offer Category name
Country.nameNullable StringThe Country name
Goal.nameString Name of the goal; available if network has Offer Goals enabled. Returns the string "Default" for unnamed default goals.
Offer.nameNullable StringThe Offer name
OfferFile.displayNullable StringThe Offer File name
OfferUrl.nameNullable StringThe Offer URL name
OfferUrl.preview_urlNullable StringThe preview Offer URL
Stat.ad_campaign_creative_idIntegerThe Ad Campaign Creative ID. If not applicable, defaults to "0".
Stat.ad_campaign_idIntegerID of AdCampaign object. If not applicable, defaults to "0".
Stat.affiliate_info1Nullable StringAffiliate sub 1 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info2Nullable StringAffiliate sub 2 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info3Nullable StringAffiliate sub 3 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info4Nullable StringAffiliate sub 4 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info5Nullable StringAffiliate sub 5 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.clicksIntegerAggregate field counting the number of clicks, including any marked as suspicious.
Stat.conversionsNullable IntegerThe sum of conversions
Stat.cpaDecimalCost per Acquisition, Payout per Conversion: (Stat.payout / Stat.conversions).
Stat.cpcDecimalCost per Click, Payout per Click: (Stat.payout / Stat.clicks).
Stat.cpmDecimalCost per Thousand Impressions: (Stat.payout / (Stat.impressions / 1000)).
Stat.ctrDecimalClick through Rate: (Stat.clicks / Stat.impressions); note: If the Network has the "track_uniques" Preference is enabled, this is (Stat.unique_clicks / Stat.impressions).
Stat.dateDateThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the stat. Limited to most recent 18 months (548 days) for Stat.affiliate_info, Stat.affiliate_info1, Stat.affiliate_info2, Stat.affiliate_info3, Stat.affiliate_info4, Stat.affiliate_info5, and Stat.source.
Stat.erpcDecimalElectronic Rate Per Click. This refers to the payout per click.
Stat.gross_clicksIntegerGross clicks; available if network has Click Display set to "Both"
Stat.hourIntegerHour part (0 to 23) of the stat
Stat.impressionsIntegerThe sum of impressions
Stat.ltrDecimalLead through Rate: (Stat.conversions / Stat.clicks); note: If the Network has the "track_uniques" Preference is enabled, this is (Stat.conversions / Stat.unique_clicks).
Stat.monthIntegerThe month of the stat
Stat.offer_file_idIntegerID of OfferFile object. If not applicable, defaults to "0".
Stat.offer_idIntegerID of Offer object
Stat.offer_url_idIntegerID of Offer URL object. If not applicable, defaults to "0".
Stat.payoutDecimalThe payout for this Conversion
Stat.payout_typeStringThe Payout TypeShow Supported Values
Stat.rejected_click_rateDecimalFraction of incoming clicks marked as rejected due to fraud; calculated as Stat.rejected_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.rejected_clicks IntegerAggregate field counting the number of clicks rejected due to fraud. Rejected clicks are not redirected to the offer URL and are included in all click-based calculations like conversion rate. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.sourceNullable StringAffiliate source passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.suspicious_click_rateIntegerFraction of incoming clicks marked as suspicious due to fraud (including rejected clicks); calculated as Stat.suspicious_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.suspicious_clicksIntegerAggregate field counting the number of clicks marked as suspicious due to fraud (including rejected clicks). Non-rejected suspicious clicks are treated as normal clicks. Limits response data to last 18 months (548 days) if included.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.unique_click_rateDecimalFraction of incoming clicks identified as unique; calculated as Stat.unique_clicks / Stat.gross_clicks.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.unique_clicksIntegerUnique clicks; available if the network has Click Display set to "Both"
Stat.weekIntegerThe week of the stat. Range is 1 to 53, where week 1 is the first week with four (4) or more days. Weeks begin on Monday.
Stat.yearIntegerThe year (YYYY) of the stat
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