Subscription Model

Enables the creation of recurring payouts for affiliates.

advertiser_infoNullable StringField for storing custom advertiser identifiers or other information. Limited to 255 characters.
affiliate_idIntegerID of the affiliate in HasOffers
affiliate_info1Nullable StringAffiliate sub 1 passed in by affiliate when session started
affiliate_info2Nullable StringAffiliate sub 2 passed in by affiliate when session started
affiliate_info3Nullable StringAffiliate sub 3 passed in by affiliate when session started
affiliate_info4Nullable StringAffiliate sub 4 passed in by affiliate when session started
affiliate_info5Nullable StringAffiliate sub 5 passed in by affiliate when session started
affiliate_manager_idNullable IntegerID of the account manager (network employee) for the affiliate
createdDatetimeDate the subscription was created
This parameter is non-writable
currencyNullable StringThree character currency code
customer_idIntegerID of the customer
customer_list_idIntegerID of the customer list
end_dateNullable DateEnd date for the subscription
idIntegerUnique, auto-generated ID of the subscription
This parameter is non-writable
offer_idIntegerID of the offer
payoutDecimalAmount to be paid to affiliate on conversion
payout_typeStringPayout type of the offerShow Supported Values
pixel_referNullable StringReferral URL for the conversion pixel
provided_idStringReference customer ID
referStringReferral URL when session started
revenueDecimalAmount generated by the offer owed to the network by the advertiser
revenue_typeStringOffer's revenue typeShow Supported Values
sale_amountNullable DecimalSale amount generated for the advertiser by the offer
sourceNullable StringTraffic source passed in by the affiliate when session started
start_dateDateStart date of the subscription
statusStringStatus of the subscriptionShow Supported Values
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