Connect.Conversion Model

Brand.network_nameNullable Filter by network name
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub2Nullable Advertiser sub ID 2 specified in the conversion link
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub3Nullable Advertiser sub ID 3 specified in the conversion link
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub4Nullable Advertiser sub ID 4 specified in the conversion link
ConversionsMobile.adv_sub5Nullable Advertiser sub ID 5 specified in the conversion link
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_click_idNullable Unique click ID used to reference an individual click or session passed in by the affiliate when the session started
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique1Nullable Unique value 1 passed in by the affiliate when the session started
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique2Nullable Unique value 2 passed in by the affiliate when the session started
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique3Nullable Unique value 3 passed in by the affiliate when the session started
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique4Nullable Unique value 4 passed in by the affiliate when the session started
ConversionsMobile.affiliate_unique5Nullable Unique value 5 passed in by the affiliate when the session started
Goal.nameNullable Name of the goal; available if network has Offer Goals enabled. Returns the string "Default" for unnamed default goals. Nullable ID of the offer
Offer.nameNullable Name of the offer
PayoutGroup.nameNullable Name of payout group used to calculate payout (if applicable); available if network is an Enterprise account.
Stat.ad_idNullable ID of Transaction object created by the Ad Server
Stat.adv_unique1Nullable Advertiser sub ID 1 specified in the conversion link
Stat.adv_unique2Nullable Advertiser sub ID 2 specified in the conversion link
Stat.adv_unique3Nullable Advertiser sub ID 3 specified in the conversion link
Stat.adv_unique4Nullable Advertiser sub ID 4 specified in the conversion link
Stat.adv_unique5Nullable Advertiser sub ID 5 specified in the conversion link
Stat.advertiser_infoNullable Advertiser sub passed by advertiser on conversion
Stat.affiliate_info1Nullable Affiliate sub 1 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info2Nullable Affiliate sub 2 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info3Nullable Affiliate sub 3 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info4Nullable Affiliate sub 4 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.affiliate_info5Nullable Affiliate sub 5 passed in by affiliate when session was started
Stat.conversion_sale_amountNullable Sale amount of the conversion; available if network has affiliate Sale Amount enabled.
Stat.conversion_statusNullable Status of the conversion; availability based on network's affiliate Conversion Access preference.
Stat.currencyNullable Currency (3-letter code); available if network has Multiple Currencies enabled.
Stat.datetimeNullable Date and time of the conversion
Stat.modified_datetimeNullable Modification date and time of the conversion
Stat.payoutNullable The amount of payout for approved conversions.
Stat.sourceNullable Affiliate source passed in by affiliate when session was started
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