Goal Model

Goals are used to track multiple conversion points for a single Offer. Goals may be disabled for some Networks. For more information, seeĀ help.tune.com/hasoffers/offer-goals/.

default_payoutDecimalThe flat rate/amount paid for this Goal. The value in this field is applicable only if "payout_type" is set to "cpa_flat" or "cpa_both".
descriptionNullable StringA description of this Goal
idIntegerID of unique object for this Goal
This parameter is non-writable
nameStringThe name of the Goal
offer_idIntegerThe ID of the Offer to which this Goal applies
payout_typeStringSpecifies the method of calculating payout for this Goal. "cpa_flat" indicates a flat amount will be paid, specified in the "default_payout" field. "cpa_percentage" indicates that a percentage of the sale will be paid, specified in the "percent_payout" field. "cpa_both" indicates that both a flat rate and a percentage of the sale will be paid.Show Supported Values
percent_payoutDecimalThe percent of sale paid for this Goal. For example, a value of "25.00" would indicate a 25% payout. The value in this field is applicable only if "payout_type" is set to "cpa_percentage" or "cpa_both".
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