AffiliateReceipt Model

A receipt of payment made to an Affiliate.

affiliate_idIntegerThe ID of the Affiliate to whom this receipt records payment
amountDecimalThe amount paid
currencyStringThe 3-character currency code identifying the currency used for this payment
dateDateThe date of the payment
datetimeDatetimeThe date this receipt was created (not necessarily the date of payment)
idIntegerID of unique object for this Receipt
This parameter is non-writable
memoStringA memo added for this payment by the Network
methodStringThe method used to make the paymentShow Supported Values
payment_detailsNullable StringA serialized form of the Affiliate's payment method details that were used to make this payment
payment_infoNullable ObjectSame as the "payment_details" field but in unserialized (object) form
statusStringThe status of this payment. Affiliates can only view Receipts for successfully completed payments.Show Supported Values
tokenStringA payment reference field without any predefined meaning. Network may utilize this field. Empty string if no value is present.
transaction_idStringA payment reference field without any predefined meaning. Network may utilize this field. Empty string if no value is present.
user_idNullable IntegerDEPRECATED. This field should be ignored.
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