Offer Model

An Offer.

conversion_capIntegerMaximum number of conversions allowed per day for this Offer. If value is set to "0" then there is no cap; note: Some Networks may choose to use this feature but this field is not present by default.
currencyNullable StringThe 3-character currency symbol for this Offer. Some Networks allow for individual Offers to use different currencies. If NULL, this Offer uses the default Network currency.
default_goal_nameNullable StringIf the Offer has Goals enabled (indicated by the "has_goals_enabled" field), this is the name of the default Goal; note: This field will only be present if the Network has Offer Goals enabled
default_payoutDecimalThe flat rate/amount paid for this Offer. Applicable only for Offers whose "payout_type" includes a flat rate component, i.e. "cpa_flat", "cpa_both", "cpc", and "cpm".
descriptionNullable StringA description of the Offer
dne_download_urlNullable StringIf a DNE (Do Not Email) List is associated with this Offer, this will contain the URL to download the list
dne_list_idNullable IntegerThe ID of the DNE (Do Not Email) List associated with this Offer, if one exists. Present when the Offer has DNE Lists enabled, indicated by the "show_mail_list" field
dne_unsubscribe_urlNullable StringIf a DNE (Do Not Email) List is associated with this Offer, this field will contain a URL where email addresses can be added to the DNE List
email_instructionsBooleanIndicates whether or not there are specific criteria required for the email subject and "from" lines Affiliates must use in communications promoting the Offer
email_instructions_fromNullable StringApplicable when the "email_instructions" field is set to "1". Indicates one or more acceptable "from" lines that can be used when promoting the Offer. Valid lines are separated by line breaks.
email_instructions_subjectNullable StringApplicable when the "email_instructions" field is set to "1". Indicates one or more acceptable subject lines that can be used when promoting the Offer. Valid lines are separated by line breaks.
expiration_dateDatetimeExpiration date for the Offer
has_goals_enabledBooleanIndicates whether or not this Offer has Goals enabled; note: This field will only be present if the Network has Offer Goals enabled
idIntegerID of unique object for this Offer
This parameter is non-writable
is_expiredBooleanWhether or not this Offer is expired (i.e. it has a past "expiration_date").
is_pay_per_callBooleanNot present for all API calls. Indicates whether or not this Offer supports pay-per-call conversions.
modifiedDatetimeTimestamp of most recent change to object
This parameter is non-writable
monthly_conversion_capIntegerMaximum number of conversions allowed per month for this Offer. If value is set to "0" then there is no cap; note: Some Networks may choose to use this feature but this field is not present by default.
monthly_payout_capDecimalMaximum payout allowed per month for this Offer. If value is set to "0.00" then there is no cap; note: Some Networks may choose to use this feature but this field is not present by default.
nameStringThe Offer's name
payout_capDecimalMaximum payout allowed per day for this Offer. If value is set to "0.00" then there is no cap; note: Some Networks may choose to use this feature but this field not present by default.
payout_typeStringSpecifies the method of calculating payout for this Offer. "cpa_flat", "cpm", and "cpc" indicate a flat amount will be paid, specified in the "default_payout" field. "cpa_percentage" indicates that a percentage of the sale will be paid, specified in the "percent_payout" field. "cpa_both" indicates that both a flat rate and a percentage of the sale will be paid.Show Supported Values
percent_payoutDecimalThe percent of sale paid for this Offer. For example, a value of "25.00" would indicate a 25% payout. Applicable only for Offers whose "payout_type" includes a percent component, i.e. "cpa_percentage" and "cpa_both".
preview_urlNullable StringURL that often skips any geo-targeting or other re-targeting implemented by the Offer URL. Allows Affiliates to view sample landing page.
protocolStringConversion tracking method to use for the offer.Show Supported Values
require_approvalBooleanWhether or not Affiliates must apply to run the Offer
require_terms_and_conditionsStringWhether or not this Offer requires acceptance of offer terms and conditions before an Affiliate can run it. The text of the terms and conditions is in the "terms_and_conditions" field.
Important: Use "enabled" and "disabled" for all inputs, including for filter options. However, values the API returns are "0" for disabled and "1" for enabled.Show Supported Values
show_custom_variablesBooleanWhether or not custom variables can be used in tracking links. For more information, see:
show_mail_listBooleanIndicates that a DNE List is attached to this Offer. See the "dne_list_id" field for the ID of the list, and the "dne_download_url" and the related "dne_unsubscribe_url" fields.
statusStringThe status of the Offer. Affiliates can only view active Offers.Show Supported Values
terms_and_conditionsNullable StringThe terms and conditions Affiliates must agree to in order to run this Offer. Should be present if "require_terms_and_conditions" is set to "enabled".
use_target_rulesBooleanWhether or not this Offer has Advanced Targeting enabled. For more information, see:
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