Advertiser_Report::getConversions Method

Retrieve detailed conversion information like timestamps and transaction IDs. Time frame for response data is limited to the last 25 months (762 days).

Note: Some fields related to personal data (like Stat.ip) reduce the time frame available for retrieval when included. For more information, see our help documentation on the Importance of Securing Data in HasOffers.

NetworkId UrlNetwork ID
api_key Stringapi_key
Target StringThis calls action target
Method StringThis calls action method
fields ArrayList of fields to returnShow Supported Values
filtersFilterArray of field values to filter results byShow Filterable Fields
sortSortArray of fields and directions to sort results byShow Sortable Fields
limitIntegerObjects per page to return; defaults to returning all found
pageIntegerResult page to return, based on limit value; defaults to 1
totalsBooleanGet totals on aggregate fields
data_startDateStart of date range for time zone shifting. Format as "YYYY-MM-DD".
data_endDateEnd of date range for time zone shifting. Format as "YYYY-MM-DD".
hour_offsetIntegerHour offset for time zone shifting
countBooleanIf only the count of matching results, and not the results themselves, is desired

When to Use data_start / data_end

By default, datetime values returned are in the network's default time-zone. To retrieve data in a different time zone, use the data_start, data_end, and hour_offset parameters.

The values for data_start and data_end should contain the date range you would like to set for your results. These values should match the dates you set in your filter on Stat.datetime.

The hour_offset parameter instructs the API to shift these timestamps by a number of positive or negative hours from your network's default time zone.

For example, if your network is set to utilize Eastern Standard Time (UTC-0500), and you would like to fetch reporting data in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-0800), use an hour_offset value of "-3" as shown below.


The timestamps will shift by -3 hours while still maintaining a date range of January 1st 2016.

Important: data_start and data_end do not filter results by date! Use Stat.datetime in the filter parameter to filter results by date.

Filtering for Multiple Values on the Same Field

You can enter multiple values for the same field when filtering, to create an OR filter on that field. For example, if you want results for three different offers collected together, form that section of the call as:


This returns all entries relating to offer IDs 123, 456, and 789. For more on filtering, see Filtering, Paging & Sorting.

Potential Performance Issues with Stat.Date

For very large result sets, you may experience intermittent timeout issues when filtering by We recommend filtering with Stat.datetime instead of

If You Receive a 504 Response

If you receive a HTTP 504 response to your call, your result set is too large to retrieve in a single call. We recommend breaking your requested time in half and make two calls by filtering on Stat.datetime.

GET Response Notes

Returns an array of matching ConversionReport model objects

API Call Builder

Javascript is required to use the API Call Builder.
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