StatReport Model

A report containing aggregate stats for an advertiser.

Browser.display_nameNullable StringName of the web browser
This parameter is non-writable
Browser.idIntegerID of the web browser. Defaults to "0" if the browser can't be identified. For more information, reference our list of browser ID codes in the Network API documentation.
This parameter is non-writable
Category.idIntegerID of offer category; including this field can cause duplicate rows if an offer belongs to more than one category
This parameter is non-writable
Category.nameStringName of offer category; including this field can cause duplicate rows if an offer belongs to more than one category
This parameter is non-writable
Country.nameNullable StringName of the country
This parameter is non-writable
Goal.nameStringName of the goal; returns the string "Default" for unnamed default goals
This parameter is non-writable
Offer.nameNullable StringName of the offer
This parameter is non-writable
OfferFile.displayNullable StringDisplay name of the OfferFile
This parameter is non-writable
OfferUrl.nameNullable StringName of the offer URL
This parameter is non-writable
OfferUrl.preview_urlNullable StringPreview link for the offer URL
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.affiliate_idIntegerID of affiliate
Stat.browser_idIntegerID of the web browser. Defaults to "0" if the browser can't be identified. For more information, reference our list of browser ID codes in the Network API documentation.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.clicksIntegerAggregate field counting the number of clicks
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.conversionsNullable IntegerAggregate field counting the number of conversions
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.costDecimalTotal cost (to be received by network)
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.countIntegerAggregate field counting the number of matching rows
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.crDecimalConversion rate: (Conversions / Clicks). If the network has the "track_uniques" preference enabled, this is instead (Conversions / Unique clicks).
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.dateDateDate (YYYY-MM-DD) the event took place
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.device_osNullable StringOS of the device; limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.device_os_versionStringOS Version of the device; limits response data to last 6 months (184 days) if included
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.goal_idIntegerID of goal; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.gross_clicksIntegerSum of gross clicks; only available if the network has the Click Display setting set to "Both".
Stat.hourIntegerHour (0 to 23) the events took place
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.impressionsIntegerSum of impressions
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.monthIntegerMonth (1 to 12) the events took place
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.offer_file_idIntegerID of OfferFile object; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.offer_idIntegerID of the offer
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.offer_url_idIntegerID of offer URL object; defaults to "0" if none is set
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.total_salesDecimalTotal sales amount
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.unique_clicksIntegerSum of unique clicks; only available if the network has the Click Display setting set to "Both".
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.weekIntegerWeek the events took place, appended to the year of the event. Range is 1 to 53, where week 1 is the first week with four (4) or more days. Weeks begin on Monday.
This parameter is non-writable
Stat.yearIntegerYear (YYYY) the events took place
This parameter is non-writable
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